Advertisement monitoring system isn’t so complicated, but it isn’t simple either. You’ll need computers, people, and some kind of service to automatically track advertisements that are spotted once.
For starters, you have to be able to record all your needed TV channels. Depending on the TV system used in your country, you’ll have several options for it. From our shop, we can solve recording for analog tv, DVB-T, DVB-S, IPTV. In any case, if you can get composite video signal from your set-top box, you will be able to record it with VideoPhill Recorder.
Recorded broadcast should go to some storage, depending on the number of days that you want your broadcast archive to be available. nike air max 1 pas cher To calculate how much storage space you will need for it, you can use this on-line calculator.
So now we have recordings of the TV broadcast. Fjallraven Kanken Big UK Next step is to form a team of people who will find and tag the first occurrence of an advertisement. Nike Air Max 2016 Goedkoop Number of people and workstations required for the job depends on many factors:
In short, you’ll need some way of accessing the archive and clipping the portions of it in order to have clips of advertisements extracted and prepared for automated archive search.
One possible way of doing the job is by using VideoPhill Player application. fjallraven kanken To see it in action, please see video below…
Almost there… Now, you have your archived broadcast, and you have your clip library. To find all of the occurrences of all clips on all your channels, you’ll simply pass whole archive and clip library to a PlayKontrol Service and get your results. Vêtements Armani Pas Cher Results can be in any format that you require, such as text, excel, PDF, XML, and so on.
Really final component of the system (apart from selling the reports) is a team of people who will use raw data that PlayKontrol will provide and produce nice reports for your customers.
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