I recently released VolumGuard application prototype to few trusted colleagues that I know that will give me proper feedback on it. VolumGuard is an application that is used in radio broadcast environments and which monitors live audio input (vocals from speaker/talent) and when it goes above certain trigger level drops the output level on selected wave output devices in the PC machine.
Here is the screenshot, but please, I know it’s ugly, and I’m trying to concentrate on functionality first…

VolumGuard Screenshot
You might already notice – application function is trivial, and user interface looks complicated. new balance 574 homme gris I know that is horrible way to go. Fjallraven Kanken Baratas It was supposed to be other way around. Nike Air Max Norge So, some phone calls were concerned about it…
One thing I can do here is to remove all of the sliders from the ‘main screen’ of the application and make another main screen that will be very simple and will show that application is running fine. From that screen, user could select ‘options’ and be given this beautiful and scary window.
Whole application is made in MFC, which is something I got used to many years ago, and for small apps I find it great. Nike Air Max 2016 Heren grijs I made graphing control myself, and it’s rather flexible, is able to scroll to the left and draw various real-time data. kopen nike air max 2017 It also supports various markers, both horizontal and vertical.
What can be done here to improve all this? Here are some user suggestions:
- to be able to turn the volume monitoring on and off
- to be able to switch profiles with the hot-key
- to be able to switch volume monitoring with the hot-key
- to run program in the system tray – pulling it out with the hot-key
For that, I’ll need some kind of global hot-key hook. Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes UK I don’t know how dangerous are they to the system, but since there are many programs that use them, I guess that it will be ok for me to use them as well.
Tags: volumguard